
Stress & Trauma Release

Perfect for anyone on a healing journey looking to make body-oriented breakthroughs in body tension relief,
stress & trauma release, and become a self-healer.

- self paced
- video demonstrations and instruction
- easy to learn science of stress basics

Rewire Your Body
into wellbeing

Rewrite Your Story
into peace & wisdom

You Can Transform!

Yes, YOU!

Transformed Connections helps people on a healing journey make important breakthroughs in stress & trauma, and become self-healers, for a lifetime of wellbeing.

  • Lessen & Resolve Symptoms
  • Improve Sleep Quality
  • Increase Overall Wellbeing

Learn & experience self-activated, natural stress & trauma release tools and skills that you can start using TODAY to make shifts towards your healing and wellbeing.

Gain relief from in the moment stress, while rationalizing any backlog of trauma.

Personalize your own stress relief toolbox of effortless skills that calm internal chaos and help you experience peace & clarity on demand!


Trauma Release Exercises is a somatic stress regulation technique that helps the body open and process deeply held patterns of tension, stress & trauma. Learn to activate your body's recovery process with TRE!


Somatic exercises that support the body to open, process and restore all body systems back to their natural rhythm

Energy Methods

Universal life force energy “Qi” moves around, and surges through our bodies.  Learn Eden Energy daily exercises to help circulate your energy body to flow.

Hi, I’m Suzanne

For over 15 years I've been helping people transform their stress and reconnect with their bodies and their lives. I transformed my own chronic anxiety & emotional overeating,and YOU TOO CAN TRANSFORM!